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Good Health, we believe, is not just the absence of pain & suffering, but mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, stress-free peaceful life. Natural Medicine promotes simple life, good nutrition, happiness, satisfaction and better relationships not only with our loved ones, but also with our environment.
While we do offer a 2-Year Certificate and a 4 years Diploma as a career in Natural Medicine, we welcome those who want to study just one, two or more of our exciting courses for their knowledge or self-care.
Most of our courses, including Continuing Medical Education programs, are available on-line. Labs and Clinical Training however must be completed at the school and/or at designated facility. New classes start in January, April, July and October. Competency-Based accelerated programs, exemptions for prior-studies, scholarships, student loans and easy monthly payment facilities are available.

I. Individual Course: (45 hours) $225.00 each

Certificate Program: (2 Year) 8 Trimesters $8,500.00

Price $8,500.00

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